
[ee-loo-min-ess-ens] (noun)

A state of being in bliss and harmony with oneself and one's surroundings in life and other contexts. Being truthful and inspired to know joy.

Being inspired to change oneself or one's circumstances presents with an ease and effortlessness in this space and often inspires far greater growth than you had previously aspired to. Being bold and embracing this comes so naturally you will feel its approach as a quiet and aligned whisper from your soul, that moves you towards purpose and a sense of worth you both desire and crave.

Who would be inspired by this?

Anyone choosing a more prosperous and pleasant life filled with objectives and cravings for more fulfilment and more delight, happiness or contentment.

What could this mean for me and my life?

Being fairly happy just isn’t enough is it? We all crave more balance and harmony in how we see ourselves and in how life treats us. Within this space you will rediscover yourself while growing potential in a specifically aligned program both easy and effortless to follow. You only need a hint of a will to change what disappoints or neglects you, into seeing your dreams come alive.

What inspired Elluminescence, where did it come from?

After years of self-study and realignment, a strong desire to help others redefine their lives was born. Challenged by a life filled with struggle and pain often leads us to want to change, but Laura has set her sights on a much brighter horizon, from changing the immediate struggle, to seeing oneself with kinder more accepting eyes and building a strong foundation from which we can grow. It is through hours of research and practice in many forms that this programme was formed, and in conjunction with personal practice, simplicity was found in all aspects of its intention. It is not without a need for engagement though, but with great respect for your time, keeping all content short and to the point so that you can easily integrate it into a routine and habit of practice. It is easily the most revolutionary method you will find and aims at the most subtle of changes while promoting potential for the biggest ones too.

 “I am most humbly indebted to this practise and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to all.” Founder and content co-ordinator, Laura Ware.


Providing potential and choice to suit your needs and lifestyle.

Freedom to Explore

This space offers an opportunity to explore through simple videos, the potential to be found in Elluminescence and to give you are glimpse of the freedom you will find in it by relinquishing stress and anxiety, while providing a sense of wellbeing.

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Freedom to Engage

This introduces you to the prospect of balance while allowing for a more moderate engagement making it slightly less interactive but without limiting its potential.

New content released every 3 days 

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Moderate visual, audio, and written content

Freedom to Discover the Joy and Passion in Life

Within this programme you will be offered variety and opportunity to delve deep into the full potential of Elluminescence, discovering all it has to offer but at a pace you can regulate.

New content released daily

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Expansive visual, audio, and written content

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